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Improving the Ability to Recognize Number Symbols 1-10 Through Number Pocket Media in Group A
Children at Pembina 1 Palembang State Kindergarten. This study aims to improve the ability to recognize
number symbols 1-10 through playing activities using number bag media. This type of research is
Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of 2 cycles. Data collection techniques used through
deeds test and observation activities. Analyze data quantitatively with simple statistical calculations. The subjects of this study were children aged 4-5 years totaling 14 children including 7 girls and 7 boys. Based
on the results of research data analysis, there was an increase in pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II respectively.
The achievement in the pre-cycle reached an average of 45.09% with the criteria starting to develop, in the
first cycle the average achievement data increased by 64.29% with the category developing as expected and
in the second cycle the average percentage reached 80.80% with the category developing as expected. This
is evidenced by all indicators that arise from observations from cycle II that all children can show the
symbols of numbers 1-10, mention or numerate the symbols of numbers 1-10, match numbers with symbols
of numbers and imitate writing from the form of symbols of numbers 1-10. From the results of the
stimulation process, there was an increase of 35.71% from pre-cycle to cycle II in the ability to recognize
number symbols through playing using number bag media in group A children at TK Negeri Pembina 1
Palembang. Number bag media can be the right alternative to improve the ability to recognize number
symbols 1-10 for children optimally.


number symbols number bag media kindergarten

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