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This research aims to develop a non-test instrument for assessing motor skills in early childhood which includes instrument construction, instrument feasibility and implementation of instrument use. This type of research is research and development that uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. The development process was carried out through five stages by adapting Borg and Gall's theory, namely the stage of extracting information, carrying out design, product development, expert validation, limited field testing and instrument feasibility testing. Item analysis uses analysis of validation results by 4 experts. Then the alpha coefficient is calculated using the Crombach alpha formula. The results of the instrument development found that the instrument construct developed consisted of indicators of coordinated body movements, regular physical play, skill in using hands, and eye, hand and head coordination which was developed into 25 items and 10 items were taken which had very high/valid constructs.The feasibility of the resulting instrument is that it has evidence of validity and reliability, so it can be categorized as a good skills assessment instrument with expert validation results of 91.7%. Meanwhile, the results of the Crombach alpha formula obtained a value of 0.573 with an alpha coefficient set at 0.60. Implementation of the use of the instrument was carried out at TKIT Nusintama and PAUD Al-Islahiyah involving 6 PAUD teachers to assess children's gross motor skills. The limited test results obtained an average percentage of 91.52% with a Crombach alpha coefficient of 0.600 and greater than the specified alpha value. Thus, the gross motor skills instrument for children aged 5-6 years can be used to assess children's abilities, especially in early childhood gross motor skills, with a 10-item observation instrument.



assesmen motoric early childhood

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