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Video-based science learning is an innovative approach that uses video media as a tool to explain science concepts visually and interactively to children. Video is an effective learning medium because of its visual, audio, interactive, and flexible nature. The singing method makes it easier for children to memorize the rhythm of the song or vocabulary, movements, and also images according to what is presented in the science learning video. Baitul Izzah Kindergarten was the location of the study by considering the characteristics of diverse educators, sufficient educational resources, as well as a strategic location and technology use policies at the school. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using videos in improving students' understanding and interest in science lessons, as well as identifying the benefits and challenges faced in its implementation. The research method used was a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques included in-depth interviews with teachers. Overall, the results of this study indicate that video-based science learning at Baitul Izzah Kindergarten is effective in improving students' understanding and interest in science, although improvements in technology and teacher training are needed to optimize its implementation


video pembelajaran pembelajaran sains anak usia taman kanak-kanak

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