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Early childhood is at the foundation phase stage, to find out the achievement of the child's foundation ability aspects, of course, teachers must conduct a diagnostic assessment in the form of an assessment instrument. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the process of developing diagnostic assessment instruments, the validity and reliability of the instrument and the feasibility of using assessment instruments in assessing the foundation ability aspects of early childhood. The type of article written uses a research and development method which is often known as research and development. The research object consists of 20 early childhood group B. Data was taken through a non-cognitive diagnostic assessment instrument developed to assess the foundation ability aspects of early childhood. Based on the results of the validity test using the product moment correlation formula from the research object data, r count> r table was obtained, so the statement items were declared valid. The validity coefficient for 20 items with a significance level of 5% is 0.444. From the results of the validity analysis calculation using SPSS for windows 20 version r count> r table with an average item of 0.683> 0.444 so that the diagnostic assessment items were declared valid. Meanwhile, for the reliability test using the Cronbach alpha coefficient formula, a value of 0.939 was obtained, so from 20 diagnostic assessment items to assess aspects of early childhood foundation abilities, it was declared reliable. The development of this non-cognitive diagnostic assessment instrument can be used to assess the improvement of aspects of children's foundation abilities related to behavior, readiness to learn and children's social emotions when playing and learning in the school environment. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the development of this diagnostic assessment can be implemented widely in improving aspects of early childhood foundation abilities. Teachers must be able to understand thoroughly the characteristics of children so that they can provide services that are in accordance with the needs of early childhood.


asesmen diagnostik aspek kemampuan fondasi anak usia dini.

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