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This study aims to determine the attitudes of parents and teachers about digital technology and the

This study aims to examine how parents' and teachers' attitudes toward digital technology affect the cognitive development of early childhood, especially after the pandemic, which led to an increased use of gadgets in education. The method used is descriptive quantitative, with normality tests and regression analysis to assess the relationship between parents' and teachers' attitudes toward digital technology and children's cognitive development. Data were collected through surveys involving 40 parents and 20 early childhood teachers in Serang City. The results show that parents' and teachers' attitudes toward digital technology do not have a significant relationship with children's cognitive development, with significance values of 0.875 and 0.514, respectively. Although not significant, a positive attitude toward technology can influence how technology is used in learning. A positive attitude from parents helps introduce technology early, while a positive attitude from teachers supports the implementation of technology in teaching. The main conclusion of this study is that children's cognitive development is more influenced by the content of applications and the stimulation provided rather than parents' and teachers' attitudes toward digital technology.


Early childhood Attitude Digital Technology

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